Archive for November, 2014

Identifying Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs

Identifying Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs

It is a well known fact that dogs cannot have chocolate. Chocolate contains a chemical that dogs cannot process and can negatively affect their liver. If you are a dog owner and you have chocolate in your house at any point, it is important to know how to identify chocolate poisoning in dogs, just in […]

Hospital Health Includes More Than Medical Staff

Hospital Health Includes More Than Medical Staff

If the average bystander were to be asked, “When thinking about the staff involved with hospitals what occupations come to mind?”  The obvious answers would probably include a doctor, nurse, lab technician, pharmacist, x-ray technician, etc. However, if you were to ask that individual about administrative staff, the response would inevitably be, “I never thought […]

Physical Financial Exam Through Medical Auditors

Physical Financial Exam Through Medical Auditors

One of the fastest growing industries in many major industrial nations today is in the medical field. This is due to the fact that new cutting-edge medical technology is increasingly being developed.  In addition, there have been significant advances in pharmacology as well as inroads in fighting various diseases. Adding to this formula in the […]