Identifying Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs


Identifying Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs

It is a well known fact that dogs cannot have chocolate. Chocolate contains a chemical that dogs cannot process and can negatively affect their liver. If you are a dog owner and you have chocolate in your house at any point, it is important to know how to identify chocolate poisoning in dogs, just in case your dog manages to find it.

In order to determine whether a veterinary visit is necessary there are several questions you should answer. The correct answer to these questions is necessary to ensure that your dog receives valuable veterinary treatment, or whether you act too late to reverse the damage done by the chocolate.

If your dog only ate a small amount of chocolate, they may face minor stomach upset and diarrhea. If your dog only ate a small amount of chocolate, chances are you will be spending some time outside in the near future.

What type of chocolate did your dog eat?

The type of chocolate your dog ate is extremely important to determine. This is because some chocolate is more toxic than others.

The darker and more bitter the chocolate is, the more dangerous it is to your dog. This is because there is a higher level of theobromine in the chocolate, which is the chemical in chocolate that is toxic to your dog.

Chocolates that fall under the category of baker’s chocolate can cause liver damage in a short period of time. If your dog ate baker’s chocolate, it is important to get them to the vet right away, especially if he ate a large quantity.

Milk chocolate and white chocolate do not contain a large amount of theobromine. This makes them less toxic to dogs, but it is still not desirable for them to eat it. Your dog will experience some negative side effects from eating this type of chocolate, but mostly because of the sugar and fat that are inside the chocolate. Typically, this leads to minor upset stomach and diarrhea.

Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs

Chocolate poisoning in dogs can appear in many different ways. The symptoms of chocolate toxicity can vary widely, depending on the type of chocolate that was ingested, the amount of chocolate that was ingested and any other health conditions that already exist.

The symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs are:

  • Shaking
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Stomach pain
  • Indigestion
  • Unconsciousness
  • Seizures
  • Convulsions
  • Yellow eyes

What to Do if your Dog Shows Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning

If your dog shows any signs of chocolate poisoning, or if they show these symptoms without having eaten chocolate, you should seek veterinary assistance immediately. Let your dog’s vet know immediately if you think he has ingested any chocolate, even if it is in a small amount.

When a dog shows symptoms of chocolate poisoning, time is essential to their survival. Chocolate in large quantities can do irreparable damage to their liver, which could cause them to require long term medications, or even death.

Identifying Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs Credit Picture License: el7bara via photopin cc

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